Performance with glow in the dark red circles
Dissemination is a performance to be made by the artist Sylvia Riquezes on Tuesday, November 29th, 2005, and Saturday December 3rd, during the openings of Hardcore Art Contemporary.
Riquezes will distribute to the public red circles that glow in the dark, establishing a direct interaction with the spectator, when he or she becomes a part of the work of art, while circulating throughout the city with a luminous red circle.
At night and in the darkness of the streets of Wynwood in Miami, the public, in its passing from one gallery to the other, during the “gallery walk”, becomes itself a kind of living “Blob”.
“The Blob” is a devouring animal; It is a conglomeration of rope nets and inflated balls, that evocates the cocoons of some creature. It represents a metaphor of the urban stacking, conglomeration and overpopulation in contemporaneous cities. It is a reflection about the concept of “city” and its uncontrolled growth repercussions. I pretend to establish a consideration over the importance of the city and the significance of urban changes on a social basis.