Flowers & Gardens
Urban Interventions
By intervening spaces in the city, through the interpretation of nature, such as the flowers and fruits in the installations: Rosa-Jardin and Coco-Palma, I pretend to create urban landscapes where a friction is created between what’s “fake”, what’s simulated and what’s natural, as a metaphor of the tense situations between the urban scenario and nature within contemporaneity.
Nevertheless, I am projecting the importance of plants and flowers which still prevail in our cities, and which, to my opinion, deserve the care and protection necessary in an industrial and technological world. And, why not? They are also the visual poetry between cement and asphalt.
With the intervention of urban spaces, through the creation of another type of “flowers” or “plants”, I propitiate a paradox that leads us to think about the real and about the simulated, apparent and fictitious nature.
I pretend to attract the attention of the spectator and create a different level of consciousness of the environment.
Furthermore, I mean to make possible for the spectator, the enjoyment of the visual contrasts between what’s artistic and what’s natural, between the work that has been “created” and the other, the one resulting from the combustion of natural elements.
I use the materials giving them properties that exceed their intrinsic qualities; I emphasize its rude industrial power, trying to underline the predominance of what’s industrial in a society that values the consumption, the artificial, the apparent, the false, the fake, the imitations.
"Rosa-Jardin" Urban Intervention at Arte Americas Art Fair, 5' x 50' x 8", Wire mesh & balls
"Pulse of the Lotus Sutra" Installation, 9' x 6' x 5', Wire mesh & balls - Click on image for more information
"Lotus Flower", 15" x 17" x 11", Wire mesh & balls
"The Lotus Flower", 22" x 15" x 12", Wire mesh & balls - Click on image for more information
"Flower" on acrylic base, Wire mesh & balls
"Small Flower", 12" x 10" x 8", Wire mesh & balls
"Flower" on wire base, Wire mesh & balls
"Flower" on tall armature wire base, Wire mesh & balls
"Offerings I" - Installation, Wire mesh & balls
"Flower" on acrylic base, Wire mesh & balls
"Giant Flower" 40" x 36" x 30", Wire mesh & balls
"Coco-Palma" - Urban Intervention at the Arte Americas Art Fair, Plastic Balls
"Cherry Tree", Plastic Balls
Exhibition "Outside The Box2" - Installations "Bodhisattvas Emerging from The Earth & Seeds" - Click on image for more information
Exhibition "Outside The Box2" - Installations "Bodhisattvas Emerging from The Earth & Seeds" - Click on image for more information
"The Cage", 8' x 50" x 75', Chicken wire, wire mesh, balls, vinyl circles and letters - Click on image for more information
"Ceremony in the Air", 24" x 22" x 15", Wire mesh & balls