This surrealist stage of the artist reflected feelings of loneliness, forgetfulness, sadness and abandonment.
It combines real and unreal elements, framed by the colorful magic that characterizes the luminosity in the Caribbean landscapes.
She invites us to reflect on the permanent and the non-permanent, the ephemeral and the eternal, the transitory and transcendental of life.
The presence of that critical and almost protagonist observer who is the Red Ball, meanders through the remains of what was once an urban construction, neglected.
These works take the viewer back to a plot that takes place in a natural scene of Divine creation, which maintains its mysterious beauty despite the unconsciousness of man towards its protection.
"El En"s"ierre," 40" x 48," Oil on canvas
"Natural Bridge," 36" x 48," Mixed on canvas
"Obsolescencia," 36" x 48," Mixed on canvas
"Enmiendas," 40" x 48," Oil on canvas
"Desechos del Hombre," 40" x 48" Oil on canvas
Sin titulo, 47" x 98", Oil on Canvas